Educational work

Tokeybekova Ainagul Kymranovna Deputy Director for Educational Work
Educational work in the KGKP "Medical College of the city of Balkhash" is aimed at implementing comprehensive measures for the formation of a personality with citizenship, high morality, intelligence, striving to master the chosen profession, a spiritual and moral, physically healthy, socially active personality.
The main goal of educational work is to improve the quality of the educational process, the development of the educational system of the college. Development of the student's personality taking into account their personal characteristics and professional specifics.
Educational work is carried out in special areas, in particular,:
1Education of Kazakhstan patriotism and citizenship, legal education.
2Spiritual and moral education.
3National education.
4Family education.
5Labor, economic and environmental education.
6Intellectual education, education of information culture.
7Multicultural and artistic and aesthetic education.
8Physical education, healthy lifestyle.