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CMK of general education disciplines

On 11/25/2022, an open meeting was held at the college under the leadership of the chairman of the CMC of general education disciplines. Topical issues of the educational process of...

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"The Ship of fate that converged"

22.11.2022 in honor of the 70th anniversary of the Medical College of the city of Balkhash and the 85th anniversary of the city of Balkhash Open Course Class hour in...

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The Day of the Employer

The Day of the Employer in order to further and effectively cooperate with employers to improve the quality of training was held at the KGKP "Medical College of Balkhash"

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The role of independent work of students in the educational process

The teacher of the second category of special disciplines, the chairman of the CMC Zhumasheva Gaukhar Zhanabekovna made a presentation at the Republican scientific and practical conference, with the topic...

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