Tokeibekova Ainagul Kimranovna / deputy director for educational work

Tokeibekova Ainagul Kimranovna
deputy director for educational work

Deputy Director for Educational Work
Teacher of the highest qualification category

Teaching Staff

Kusanov Azamat Kuandykovich


Rakymbek Bayan Tanyrbergenkyzy

Deputy Director for Academic Affairs

    Excellent student in the field of education Teacher of the highest qualification category
Tokeibekova Ainagul Kimranovna

deputy director for educational work

    Deputy Director for Educational Work Teacher of the highest qualification category
Bayseitova Ruzya Tishbekovna

Head of the Department of Practical Training

    Excellent student of Healthcare Neuropathologist "Teacher-researcher" of special disciplines
Kosybayeva Aitbala Amankeldievna


    Teacher of the first category of the Kazakh language and literature
Bolatbekova Karlyga Zharylgasynovna

Head of the department

    Excellent student in the field of healthcare Gynecologist Teacher of the highest category of special disciplines
Gunlykbaeva Ayagoz Torebekovna

head of the Department

    Head of the department Teacher of the highest category of special disciplines General practitioner