Quality management systems

Quality management systems of KGKP "Balkhash Medical College"
In order to increase the competitive ability, the effectiveness of the educational process in the activities of the KGKP Medical College of Balkhash in 2019, at the meeting of the Pedagogical Council No. 3 of 25.01.2019, the introduction of a quality management system was recommended, by order of the director of the college No. 2 of 01.02.2019, the QMS was introduced. In order to implement high-quality, systematic work of the QMS, the team was trained in this activity.
Understanding the needs and expectations of stakeholders.
KGKP Medical College graduates mid- level specialists in the following specialties: "Nursing", "Medical care", "Laboratory diagnostics", "Pharmacy" and "Dentistry". "Hygiene and epidemiology". Graduates of these specialties are evaluated by local and regional employers as specialists who meet all qualification requirements.
Quality management system and its processes
KGKP Medical College of Balkhash develops, implements, maintains and continuously improves the quality management system according to the college's long-term plan for 2020-2025 and the annual consolidated plan of the college. The work of the QMS is carried out according to the standard of ST RK ISO 9001-2016 according to the Certificate of Conformity No. 0096231 dated 20.05.2019.
Quality management system and its processes
KGKP Medical College of Balkhash develops, implements, maintains and continuously improves the quality management system according to the college's long-term plan for 2020-2025 and the annual consolidated plan of the college. The work of the QMS is carried out according to the standard of ST RK ISO 9001-2016 according to the Certificate of Conformity No. 0096231 dated 20.05.2019.
Development of a quality policy
To implement the educational process, the college has defined its mission, set goals and objectives.
Mission: Quality. Tradition. Innovation.
Vision: to give preference in the personnel training system in the direction of the spiritual and value demands of the individual and society, the implementation of initiatives, the real needs of the labor market and prospects for the development of healthcare.
The policy of the Medical College defined by the college management includes the following provisions:
-continuous creative improvement of the content of professional educational programs taking into account the development of science, practice and changing consumer needs;
-ensuring the competitiveness of the college through active activity in the market of educational services, improving the procedures of career guidance training and entrance selection;
-continuous improvement of the material and technical base and conditions for the work of staff and training of students;
-informatization of the educational process and the life of an educational institution;
-the use of effective educational technologies in the educational process;
-measurement of customer satisfaction to assess and confirm the fulfillment of its requirements;
The concept of the college development was developed in accordance with the regulatory and legal program documents: the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education" dated 18.04.2017.The State program for the development of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020, approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on 07.12.2010 No. 1118, the State Program for the development of healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Densaulyk" for 2020-2025.
1. Improving the quality of medical education that meets the requirements of innovative development of medical science;
2. Development of the concept of training and education of specialists within the framework of a modern practice-oriented approach to training;
3. Education of a highly qualified specialist with an active life position;
4. Development of the Graduate employment assistance system;
5. Modernization of the material, technical and methodological base of the college;
6. Active participation of the teaching staff in innovative and scientific-methodical activities, involvement of students in it;
7.Comprehensively develop a health-saving educational space in order to preserve and strengthen the health of all subjects of the educational process of the college;
8. Organization of the educational process on credit technology of training

Quality objectives:
1. Creating an environment of effective interaction and conditions for self-realization of all participants in the educational process;
2. Expanding the range of educational services;
3. Improving the quality of education, mastering modern pedagogical technologies;
4. Development of the material, technical and methodological base of the college;
5. Formation of partnerships of stakeholders: MO, medical colleges, universities
6. Introduction of modern information technologies in the learning process;
7. Implementation of effective human, financial and strategic economic development.
8. Implementation of the program of updated educational content.
Due to changes in the VET system, the State educational programs of the college faced the problem of using standard training programs of modules. The standard programs corresponding to the old SES have lost their force and effectiveness, and the new ones have not been tested, have not been put into practice, which gives rise to ambiguity, fuzziness, blurriness.