Methodological activities of the college
Methodologist, teacher of Kazakh language and literature , first qualified category
Kosybaeva Aitbala Amankeldievna
Methodological theme:
"Implementation of the competence approach as a factor in improving the quality of vocational education"
The main goal of methodological work is to improve the professional knowledge and skills of teachers, develop their creative potential, and improve the efficiency and quality of the pedagogical process.
Main tasks of the methodological service:
ensuring prompt informing of teachers about the achievements of psychological and Pedagogical Sciences with new content of education, innovative educational system and educational technologies, advanced domestic and foreign experience and implementation of their work in practice;
formation of a comprehensive system for evaluating the quality of graduate training;
improving the efficiency of conducting all types of training, improving the methodology;
updating and improving knowledge in the field of the subject studied;
improvement of curricula and programs in accordance with the state educational standard of the new generation;
preparation and publication of textbooks and other educational and methodological materials on disciplines that meet the current state of Science and technology, the requirements of pedagogy and psychology.
identification, generalization and dissemination of best pedagogical experience;
organizational and methodological support of teacher certification;
improving the creative and independent work of students.
It is part of the methodological service:
educational and methodological Council;cyclical methodological Commission;
School of best practices;
School of young professionals;
School of innovative technologies
The main goal of methodological work is to improve the professional knowledge and skills of teachers, develop their creative potential, and improve the efficiency and quality of the pedagogical process.
Main tasks of methodological work:
Make recommendations and proposals for improving regulatory documents, educational management bodies, and educational and program documents;Organization of study of new educational programs and proposals for their implementation in the educational process;
Make recommendations and proposals for improving regulatory documents, educational management bodies, and educational and program documents;
Providing educational, methodological and organizational and methodological assistance to teachers in carrying out professional activities and improving pedagogical skills;
Study, dissemination and implementation of modern educational technologies, best pedagogical experience;
Assistance in the development, examination and preparation for publication of educational programs, textbooks, teaching aids and teaching aids, methodological developments for conducting the educational process in educational organizations.
Organization and holding of thematic seminars, conferences, methodological meetings in order to improve the professional skills of teachers.
Main directions of work of the methodological office:
Creation and updating of comprehensive educational and methodological support for the educational process;
Familiarization of teachers and medical workers with innovations in pedagogical and scientific-methodological literature;
Study, systematization and implementation of modern teaching methods and new technologies in practice;
Organization of professional development and professional retraining of teachers;
Organization of research activities of students and teachers;
Organization of Editorial and publishing activities;
Development of regulatory and legal documents for effective work of the methodological service;
Organization of methodological exhibitions;
Organization of Group and individual consultations on psychological, pedagogical, medical, didactic and other issues;
Collection and systematization of the best methodological developments by types of educational and educational activities.