The library fund is formed in accordance with the profile of the College on the basis of "Instruction No. 508 on the formation of the library fund of the state educational organization of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 18.07.2003".
The main book collection of the library consists of 35,460 copies, including 22,582 copies of educational and methodological literature, including 6,850 copies in the state language and 108 copies of e-books, as well as 16,023 copies of medical books, 4,201 copies of fiction and 16 copies of periodicals (newspapers and magazines). On average, 41 books are allocated per student. The main Literature Fund is replenished taking into account the needs for each discipline in accordance with the requirements of the order. The library issues a subscription to the necessary periodicals and official publications with a periodicity of six months and a quarter. The library replenishes the fund with educational and methodological and electronic textbooks, which are provided to readers by the publishing houses" GEOTAR-media"," Nur-Press"," Folio"," Aknur"," Kazkniga", etc.
The library fund of the college fully meets the requirements and contributes to the achievement of the mission of the college and its goals.
In order to replenish the fund of basic literature, 3923575 tenge was allocated for updating the library fund in 2021, and 4603420 tenge in 2022. The book fund is annually replenished with an average of 600 copies of textbooks.
During the reporting period, textbooks "Gynecology+CD", "Dentistry+CD", "Clinical Pharmacology+CD", "fundamentals of Clinical Diagnostics", "general hygiene" and others were received.
In order for the library fund to comply with the curricula and requirements of the state educational standard, over 3 years, 2,500 copies of educational literature were purchased, which is 110 titles.

Also, since May 2022, with the technical support of the call center, the college has opened access to the Kazakhstan digital library "Aknurpress", which includes more than 1000 domestic digital textbooks and teaching aids in Kazakh, Russian and English.
The library has subscription departments, storage of fixed assets. In order to improve the level of Information Culture of readers, the exhibition is being held. Book exhibitions were held. Medical staff of the Polyclinic of the Central Hospital of Balkhash will also be served.

The library maintains catalogs in paper form . Catalogs meet all the requirements and contribute to finding books in the library's collections in systematic and alphabetical order.
The library maintains the necessary accounting and registration and accounting documentation. When drawing up a work plan for the academic year, the library is guided by the plans of educational work of the college. The head of the library annually reports on the work of the library at the administrative meeting.
The library of the college actively cooperates with the National Scientific Library, the city library named after S. Seifullin. In order to improve the skills of the librarian, in May 2022, a training seminar "creating a subsystem for assessing the quality of education" was held in order to improve the skills of the librarian.
The main book collection of the library consists of 35,460 copies, including 22,582 copies of educational and methodological literature, including 6,850 copies in the state language and 108 copies of e-books, as well as 16,023 copies of medical books, 4,201 copies of fiction and 16 copies of periodicals (newspapers and magazines). On average, 41 books are allocated per student. The main Literature Fund is replenished taking into account the needs for each discipline in accordance with the requirements of the order. The library issues a subscription to the necessary periodicals and official publications with a periodicity of six months and a quarter. The library replenishes the fund with educational and methodological and electronic textbooks, which are provided to readers by the publishing houses" GEOTAR-media"," Nur-Press"," Folio"," Aknur"," Kazkniga", etc.
The library fund of the college fully meets the requirements and contributes to the achievement of the mission of the college and its goals.
In order to replenish the fund of basic literature, 3923575 tenge was allocated for updating the library fund in 2021, and 4603420 tenge in 2022. The book fund is annually replenished with an average of 600 copies of textbooks.
During the reporting period, textbooks "Gynecology+CD", "Dentistry+CD", "Clinical Pharmacology+CD", "fundamentals of Clinical Diagnostics", "general hygiene" and others were received.
In order for the library fund to comply with the curricula and requirements of the state educational standard, over 3 years, 2,500 copies of educational literature were purchased, which is 110 titles.

Also, since May 2022, with the technical support of the call center, the college has opened access to the Kazakhstan digital library "Aknurpress", which includes more than 1000 domestic digital textbooks and teaching aids in Kazakh, Russian and English.
The library has subscription departments, storage of fixed assets. In order to improve the level of Information Culture of readers, the exhibition is being held. Book exhibitions were held. Medical staff of the Polyclinic of the Central Hospital of Balkhash will also be served.

The library maintains catalogs in paper form . Catalogs meet all the requirements and contribute to finding books in the library's collections in systematic and alphabetical order.
The library maintains the necessary accounting and registration and accounting documentation. When drawing up a work plan for the academic year, the library is guided by the plans of educational work of the college. The head of the library annually reports on the work of the library at the administrative meeting.
The library of the college actively cooperates with the National Scientific Library, the city library named after S. Seifullin. In order to improve the skills of the librarian, in May 2022, a training seminar "creating a subsystem for assessing the quality of education" was held in order to improve the skills of the librarian.